

  • Customer=C Waiter=W

    C; Waiter,come here,please.

    W:Yes sir?Can I help you?

    C; Can I have the menu,please?

    W:Yes,sir.Here you are.Now then,what would you like to eat?

    C:Let me see.OK,I'd like some beef,steak and some salad,please.

    W:All right!What would you like to drink?

    C:Cup of coffee.That's it.

    W:OK.Wait a moment.

    .a moment later

    C:Can I have the bill,please?

    W:Sure.Here it is.

    C:So,how much is it?

    W:$40 altogether.

    C:Here is the money and your tip.

    W:Thank you,sir.Please call again.