翻译 I’ll be on the top just watching you fall


  • 歌词吧 ina-fall

    全文是这样的 说的差不多是一个女孩喜欢上了一个男孩子所以为了满足了他的要求而做了多少多少,可他却没有意识到,最后这个女孩决定退出,



    这是我的理解 当然不是很准确 但是意思没错啦 不是很会表达

    Fall Ina

    I gave you all you desired

    All that you needed

    Boy,I provided

    I let you into my head

    Into my bed

    And that’s a privilege

    I had your back at the answers

    You took the dollars

    I took the chances

    Defended,battled and fought

    Cuz I thought you really loved me

    I don’t know where to start or where to stop

    No,but I know I am done

    I’ve had enough

    So fall out of my hands

    Out of my heart

    And when you hit the ground

    You’ll be sorry that I’m not around

    I will watch you

    And you fall out of your mind

    Out of your fantasy

    When you hit the wall

    Think of me

    I’ll be on the top just watching you fall

    You said that you were the strong one

    I was the girl

    And I was the young one

    I kept your feet on the ground

    My head in the rounds I had you

    You told me you were so grateful

    I was with you

    And I was so faithful

    Stood by in all that you said

    And all that you did

    I loved you

    I don’t know how to act or what to say

    But I know I am good

    I’ll be okay

    And you fall out of my hands

    Out of my heart

    And when you hit the ground

    You’ll be sorry that I’m not around

    I will watch you

    And you fall out of your mind

    Out of your fantasy

    When you hit the wall

    Think of me

    I’ll be on the top just watching you fall

    I’ll be on the top just watching you fall

    So fall out of my hands

    Out of my heart

    And when you hit the ground

    You’ll be sorry that I’m not around

    I will watch you

    And you fall out of your mind

    Out of your fantasy

    When you hit the wall

    Think of me

    I’ll be on the top just watching you fall

    I’ll be on the top just watching you fall