1.Jack is ( ) who knows how to work out the problem


  • 感觉有些难,以下只是个人意见,不可靠.

    1:jack is one of the boys.这样感觉很顺口.如果加上who can do something就应该要特指,用定冠词,类似于He is the man who can beat you down.

    2:应该用where,相当与people was free to present their ideas there.如果用which的话,应该是on which,人们对什么发表他们的意见,但是明显不是meeting,所以.


    4:A that followed不对,that followed by something,因为followed不是the day的动词.B following.following的正确格式应该是the follwing day,没见过定语后置的follwing.C就更不对了.D that followed说的是the day.意思the day that followed(previous day)

    5 as = when

    6 what很简单,相当于something is called equality doesn't mean it's real.

    7of whom很明显,等于4000 of them are men.

    8不太明白为什么要选A,I told him to go to see a doctor,that is what the advice he took 或者 I told him to go to see a doctor,which is the advice he took 感觉这样顺口多了.


    10 C和D明显不对.A的意思和B有细微不一样,A他被派到最需要他的地方(有其他地方也需要他,但并不是最需要)B他被派到一个很需要他的地方.感觉A B都可以


    12应该D.因为是proper的指示,所以A B肯定不对了.mustn't是你不能这么做.