这句话的keep the monkey on the kid's back怎么译?


  • 这是管理学里面常常用到的一句话,monkey在这里指responsibility.就是说孩子考得怎样(估计一般是考得不好的时候用这句话,家长必须让孩子自己承担责任.


    Handling a Crisis

    Every crisis is different and individual,Whether it's drug use,a runaway child,pregnancy,or a death in the family.Think of the Chinese character denoting crisis:it combines the symbols for danger and opportunity.It is important to see the opportunity in a crisis as well as the danger.The most common mistake made during a crisis is to assume that something must be done right now!This is seldom the case.Here are four common elements that help us deal with a crisis:

    1.Crises are often temporary - Remembering that this is a temporary problem helps us from becoming so anxious we become paralyzed or overinvolved.Many times a crisis is simply a long-term problem we haven't known about until now.If we suddenly discover we have cancer or our daughter is sexually involved with someone or our child has been taking drugs,it's a big happening!It certainly may be far from a good happening,but its not necessarily a crisis.

    2.Few crises need an immediate answer - Usually,there's time to seek advice from someone we respect,someone who has had similar experiences or who is a competent professional.It's also helpful to write down all of our options,including what would happen if we did nothing at all.This may not be the best solution,but at least it should be considered among all of our choices.

    3.It's important to ask ourselves what would be the worst possible outcome - Once we can state the worst possible outcome,we also realize we can actually cope with it.It helps to ask,"Will we live through this?"

    4.Always try to keep the monkey on the back of the person(s) responsible for the problem - If it’s your teenager who has run away from home and is telephoning you for money,he or she may need to know they're welcome to return home.However,it’s their responsibility to come up with the means of getting home,just as they figured out the means of running away.Parents may loan the teen money,backed up with collateral,in order to return home.

    Remember,take a moment,breathe deeply,and relax.Write down all the possible choices,talk them over with a person you respect,and think about your ability to cope with the worst possible outcome.