

  • Flu Prevention

    There are 4 Ways to Avoid Catching -- and Spreading -- the Flu Virus

    1. Achoo! Cover Your Mouth and Nose to Stop the Flu

    It starts with a tickle, a prickle, an itch: Achoo! Cover up that sneeze to avoid spreading flu germs. Here's the latest tip on how to cover up the right way.

    2. Prevent Flu: Soap Away Germs

    Scrubbing germy hands is one of the top tips for preventing spread of the flu. So is a quick splash-and-dash all you need?

    3. Don't Be Touchy: Keep Your Hands Off Your Face

    Rubbing your eyes, nose, or mouth is a sure-fire way to get the flu. But how long are surfaces contagious?

    4. Good Health Beats the Flu: The Power of Healthy Habits

    When you're in good health, your immune system is stronger. So keep yourself in top health this flu season -- and throughout next year! Here are five healthy habits to get hooked on.