话题:talk with your friend about the difference the university


  • A:Hey what's up?Haven't seen you for years.

    B:Yeah,good to see you again,just feel so excited about my next lecture in humanities college.

    A:Why?What about it?

    B:About that professor,she is so good,so awesome that he can share with us his birillient ideas about so many historical figures and distinctive judgements about big events.And the best part,she is a gorgeous lady aged 32,so sometimes my mind just go other places sometimes.

    A:Sounds great.Well,it is true that college teahchers are quite different from high school teacher since in China we have to struggle for the right to go to college and the teachers were doing their jobs to help us learning,reviewing and test so much about the subjects we learnt.So basically,high school teachers are all about exams and grades to see both how they and we are doing in our school works.While teachers in college are about open minds relaxed teaching styles so that they are required to give more space to students and,most importantly,qualified college teachers should be able to guide,not to order the students on the school work so the students can bring their creativity into full play in a specific field,which is what college is all about

    B:That's right and speaking of that,I do feel luck enough to be in such a good college and get rid of my high school time once and for all,because that was really a hard time in my life,I mean,tons of homework,endless tests and non-stop talking teachers in class for ever...But anyway,I do feel grateful to my high school teachers who devoted so much of their life and energy on the platform guiding our lives into a brand new and correct path.

    A:Good call,and I feel so much better about my high school chemical teacher,who was strict and even mean to us but a very responsible teacher.

    B:That's good.Alright I can't wait to see Ms.Gorgeous.See ya

    A:Ok Bye