

  • 1-5 CBBCC

    6-10 CBBBC

    11-15 BCACB

    16-20 ACCAC

    21-25 BCDAC

    26-30 CBACD

    31-35 CADAB

    36-40 BADBA

    41-45 CBACD

    46-50 ADBAC

    51-55 ADCBD

    56-60 CDCAC

    61-65 ADDCD

    66-70 DBCAC

    71-75 DBDBA

    76.Water is found on the surface of the moon.

    77.Because the moon has no atmosphere.

    78.The NASA team is sill not sure how much of what they have found is water and how much is hydroxyl.

    79.below the surface of the moon
