帮忙写一篇英语作文 消防安全报告 6年纪的作文不要太复杂


  • 火灾真是时刻都存在我们生活当中,一点小小的火星也许一不小心就会酿成火灾.所以,作为小学生,我们要认识到消防安全的重要性,掌握火灾发生后一些自救的方法,预防火灾的发生,让我们一起记住火场逃生十三决:1.逃生预演,临危不乱2.熟悉环境,暗记出口3.扑灭小火,惠及他人4.保持镇静,明辨方向,迅速撤离……记住了这些,火场上就心里有底了.同时还要记住火警电话:119.



    The fire is really moment in our life,a little spark might accidentally fires.Therefore,as students,we should recognize the importance of fire safety,master some methods of self rescue after the fire,prevent fires,let us remember the fire escapethirteen decision:1.Escape rehearsal,be not disturbed 2.Familiar with the environment,export 3 markings.Put out small fires,benefiting the people 4.Keep calm,clear the direction,quickly evacuated.Remember these,the fire on thebottom heart.Also remember the fire alarm telephone:119.

    In fact,the fire is not terrible,but it's terrible is the heart,don't be afraid toencounter disasters.The fire source in people's momentary gist,will appearbecause of the fire together let us cherish own life,sharing the sun rises tomorrow!