

  • 在中国文化里,人们烧纸钱以敬死者,于是烧纸钱就成了与死者沟通的方式.

    纸钱,也称“冥币”、“金纸”、“阴司纸”(多见于南方人用).英文翻译也有多种形式:ghost money,joss money,spirit money,havean money,hell money 等等.


    To communicate with the dead,burn some ghost money.(或选择上面所列中你看着顺眼的英文)

    You may want to burn ghost money in front of the tombstone to send cash to the dead.

    Contact the dead by burning ghost money.

    This person is dead.Please burn ghost money should you want to communicate with him/her.

    No ghost money burning,no talking to the dead.
