

  • For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Live with a Goal by commenting on the French writer Alexander Dumas,remark,“Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Live with a Goal According to the French writer Alexander Dumas, living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. It signifies that without a goal, one would live a passive life~just like the dead water in a muddy lake. Frankly speaking, to live with a goal is of tremendous significance to one’ s life. For one thing, a proper aim helps foster the realization of the visions, as people are better motivated when they want to attain the goal they set for themselves and have a sense of fulfillment when they succeed. For another, by setting goals one could take good control of his/her life, without wasting time or energy being confused about what to do. With a clear direction and certain plans, one will readily get what he/she wants. Consequently, we could draw the conclusion that we should live with a target, as a goal—oriented life is an active way of living. Without a clear purpose, we might feel at sea, squandering our time and opportunities.  如果说我确实有所成就的话,那也只是因为我坚信不断尝试就会成功。遇到挫折时,你可以暂时把问题放一放,一味纠结不仅无济于事,有时反倒使情况更糟。先去读一本好书、见见久未谋面的好友或去户外骑游一番;再回头看待问题,你或许会感到柳暗花明。这样做后,别忘了多加反省:“为什么这个方法会奏效?下次能不能做得更好呢?”看你定的是什么目标,这种方法可以被反复有效应用。如果你坚定不移地持续提升自己,最后成功肯定非你莫属。孜孜不倦向来无敌。