英语翻译高速铁路是指运行速度 200km/h以上的铁路,它以快捷、舒适、高效越来越受到人们的欢迎.1964年10月,日本


  • High-speed railway is the speed 200km / h over the railway,it fast,comfortable,efficient and more and more popular.October 1964,Japan Tokaido Shinkansen high-speed railway between Tokyo and Osaka to 210 km / h run,the French built in 1981,the first high-speed railway (TGV Southeast Line),high-speed railway show vitality.According to statistics,China's high-speed railway in operation has reached more than 6800 km.China has become the world's most complete high-speed rail system technology,integrated the strongest,longest operating mileage,maximum speed,the largest country in the building.

    This paper studies the construction requirements to meet the net-shaped CP control network layout,sampling methods,research to meet the construction requirements for positioning accuracy and control network CP CP Control Network relative error and precision control and repeatable indicators of measurement error,which clearly CP Control Network error,and ultimately to meet the construction Ballastless measurement of smoothness required protection.