People meet and people pass by.


  • 这出自一首非常优美的诗,老外也懂诗的,也懂得押韵,所以我们读起来琅琅上口,内容也很美.我读书的时候语音老师就要我们当绕口令背过,我还记得很清楚.


    英文名字是:will not forget you .原文是这样的:

    Some people laugh and badly I cry,

    Some give up but some still try,

    Some say hi while some say bye,

    Others may forget you,but never will I.

    Each time you were busy and you had no time.

    From your voice from your eyes,

    I know you were telling me a beautiful lie.

    I pretend to be happy with tears in my eyes.

    Who has broken my heart and made me cry,

    I asked my God and never know why.