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    3.People should not use animals to test medicines for human.

    Animal testing is the use of non-human animals in scientific experimentation.It has been estimated that around 50 to 100 million vertebrate animals worldwide are used annually as test subjects.Although animals have allowed many scientists to observe the effects of specific drugs,animal testing has always been a highly controversial topic,and people should not use animals to test medicines for human.

    First of all,testing on animals is simply a cruel and poor scientific practice.Often,the animal has to endure pain,and could possibly die from the side effects of the experiments.According to the U.S.Department of Agriculture,in 2006 about 84,000 animals were used in studies that would cause pain or distress that could not be relieved.This number is simply too many.Animals,like humans,feel pain,and dislike it.Animal life should not be taken wantonly,and should be valued just as much as a human’s life.

    Second,animal testing is not reliable,and often does not predict effects in humans.Just because a drug relieved symptoms of pneumonia in rats does not mean that it will do the same for a human.Thus there is no compelling reason for a scientist to claim that he has to have animal subjects in order to test a drug.After all,even if the results were skewed one way,there is no possible way to be sure that it will be the same for humans.So why test medicines on animals at all?

    Third,animals have moral rights as well.By taking thousands of animals into laboratories and injecting them with various medications,humans are going against nature.Animals have an intrinsic right not to be used for experimentation,and as philosopher Tom Regan says,“Animals are beings with beliefs,desires,and self-consciousness.” Therefore,any benefits to human beings cannot outweigh the adverse effects of testing on animals.

    Today,although many drugs and medications require the process of trial and experimentation,not all of these trials have to be done on animals.As the computer industry advances,computer models could be created which could take place of experiment on animals.It should never be forgotten that animals are alive,and they have just as much right to live on this planet as humans do.

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