1.can 2.could 3.may 4.might 5.should 6.need 7.must 8.have to


  • Can you fly?你会飞吗?

    could you please clean your room?你能打扫一下你的房间吗?

    May I help you?有什么能帮上忙的?

    It might rain.可能会下雨.

    You should be careful.你得小心点.

    I need you.我需要你.

    You must talk to them about their study.你必须和他们谈谈学习的事.

    I have to go.我要走了.

    Will you come to my birthday party?你会来我的生日派对吗?

    Let's go to a movie,shall we?我们去看电影吧?

    you had better do this.你最好这样做.

    I would rather dance than sing.比起唱歌我更喜欢跳舞.

    They used to be good friends.他们曾经是朋友.

    I would like some bread.我想要点面包.
