英国约克大学数字系统工程(Digital Systems Engineering)硕士阶段所学详细内容


  • 1. Digital Design using VHDL

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Digital components and design techniques. Alternative hardware description languages (e.g. Verilog, SystemC). Implementation in VHDL, compare to schematic entry. Finite state machines.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Use pipeline design techniques to construct complex arithmetic systems. Practical design with VHDL.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Lectures. Practical VHDL assessment.

    Transferable Skills:

    Producing a report on digital design, combined with VHDL implementation.


    2. C Programming

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Concepts of software design and the techniques of computer programming. Study the C programming language to allow for the understanding of basic programming principles.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Programming: assignment including design, implementation and testing, carried out during laboratories.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Lectures, Computer Laboratories. Programming Exercise.


    3. Systems Programming for Embedded Devices

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Real-time systems – definition, design and characterisation. Fault-tolerant design. Real-world case examples. Instruction pipelines. Memory systems. CPU architecture.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Design of instruction pipeline & cache memories.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Lectures, Practicals. Continuous assessment.


    4. Digital Design Techniques

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Advanced digital design methods and techniques. How computation can be mapped on hardware through custom processing units. VHDL for the synthesis of digital circuits.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Physical implementation in hardware of a small dedicated processor. Implement complex designs (e.g. a simple processor) from gate level using VHDL.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Lectures, Laboratories. Practical assessment and lab report.


    5. Introduction to MATLAB

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Introduction to MATLAB, and its large number of built-in functions. Use of MATLAB to solve engineering problems.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Use of MATLAB to carry out simulations, write scripts and solve engineering problems.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Practicals. Continuous assessment.

    Transferable Skills:

    Design and implement simple programs. Test software solutions to practical problems against target specifications.


    6. Introduction to Project Management

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Types of project. Role of project manager. Project life-cycles. Tools and techniques for project management. Quality Assurance. Engineering Ethics.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Analyse a project & produce specification. Work breakdowns. Critical path analysis & risk.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Lectures. Continuous assessment (Individual project plan and analysis. Report assessed.)

    Transferable Skills:

    Capturing customer requirements and forming requirement specifications; work breakdown structures; activity matrices; project plan preparation; project charting techniques, Bar Chart, Gantt charts and PERT; critical path analysis; project management techniques, value added; risk management; and ethics.


    7. Computer Networks & Operating Systems

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Characteristics, functioning and limitations of a number of prominent computer operating systems for both conventional and Internet and mobile computing devices.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Demonstrate understanding of distributed computing environments and the need for security.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Lectures, Practicals. Coursework & Presentation.


    8. Data Communication Techniques

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Communication systems and techniques that underpin digital technologies, especially with embedded systems.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Understand practical digital communications techniques such as clock embedding and recovery, line coding, DC balancing, serialisation and de-serialisation, buffering and buffer control.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Lectures. Closed-book examination.


    9. Advanced Digital Design

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Complete design flow (synthesis, place and route, floorplanning, timing analysis, etc.) required to implement complex designs. Differences in FPGA architectures and how these affect circuit design.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Producing advanced digital designs using a VHDL-based design flow. Use post and pre route simulation to verify designs in the presence of faults.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Lectures & Computer Practicals. Continuous Assessment.


    10. Corporate Governance & HR Management

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Processes used to develop new products, including: product creation; intellectual property; company structures; mission statements & strategic management.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Consider future vision of technology industry. Explore IP protection. Develop business plan.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Lectures. Produce a business plan.


    11. Embedded Systems for FPGA

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Embedded microcontroller-based systems through implementation of various embedded systems using FPGA platforms. Varying options and constraints.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Design custom peripherals for embedded microprocessors, and connect off-the-shelf peripheral components to an FPGA-based system.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Lectures & Computer Practicals. Continuous Assessment & presentation.


    12. Multimedia Applications

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Underlying techniques and practical digital processing of video and audio signals for multimedia systems, including compression, simulation and implementation.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Implement and test a significant element of an audio or video compression system.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Lectures & Computer Practicals. Continuous Assessment.

    Transferable Skills:

    Implementing a mathematical algorithm in an industry standard computer modelling package.


    13. Pervasive Computing

    Knowledge and Understanding:

    Pervasive (or Ubiquitous) Computing, based on a background overview of Human Computer Interaction and current research trends.

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Consider future of user interfaces and portable computing. Research a topic for paper & talk.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Lectures. Research report.

    Transferable Skills:

    Working in groups on a joint research paper to international standards, then presenting it at a strictly timed conference.


    14. MSc Project

    Discipline-related Skills:

    Investigation of a specified problem in Digital Systems Engineering.

    Delivery and Assessment:

    Small group meetings. Final report. Viva examination. Performance review.

    Transferable Skills:

    Group working. Interpersonal skills. Time management. Delegation & risk management. Placing individual work in a larger context, as in real-life companies.