英语翻译sure is for people who don't love enough


  • 只有不够相爱的人们才会事事问个究竟

    Rachel:Listen to this. "In her acceptance speech, the distinguished scientist... "paid tribute to her husband, Dr. Chris Davis.Tomorrow the pair celebrate their 42nd wedding anniversary...after eloping together on the day they met. "When asked how they could possibly have known it would all work out...Professor Harrison... replied in true scientific fashion...'You don't know. You can never be sure. But you take the plunge anyway. 'Sure is for people who don't love enough."

    Rachel:听听这个“在提名演说中 这位杰出的科学家,向丈夫Dr.Chris Davis表示致谢,他们夫妇在相识的那天就一起私奔,而明天两位讲庆祝他们42周年结婚纪念,当被问到两人当年怎能确信会白头到老,Harrison教授以科学严谨的态度做出了回答 "没人知道 也永远不可能知道 不过总要冒险尝试,只有不够相爱的人们才会事事问个究竟.”
