

  • Dear Mike,

    I'm happy to know that you will come to China to live with me and I welcome you very much.For I live with my family,you should learn some Chinese Etiquette from me to be a good guest.

    As it's the first time you come to my home.You should prepare some presents on first meeting without using too much money.In China as the saying goes:"The gift itself may be small,but the goodwill is deep".Besides,when you meet my family members,you should salute with the hands folded instead of kissing their face as you used to do.When chowtime comes,you can't eat anything on the table until everybody is seated.For chinese carry out individual serving,you should accept my family picking up food with chopsticks in your bowl and you should say thanks to them.In addition,when you get up in the morning you should be neatly dressed right away.Because chinese make much account of appearance.

    So I've told you what you should remember to do or not.I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

