下图表为近几年中美两国电子商务发展比较及其将来几年的发展趋势。请根据图表信息,以 “E-commerce, an eve


  • One possible version:

    E-commerce, an ever-increasing trend in China

    The chart shows China’s e-commerce sales started with only 20 billion USD in 2008, and was about 60% of the US’s in 2011. However, it surpassed the US in 2013, and is expected to double that of the US in the near future.

    There are several factors contributing to the rapid growth in e-commerce in China. Firstly, even though the world has experienced a serious economic decline, China has enjoyed a steady growth throughout, leading to people’s income increasing continuously. Secondly, China has a much larger population than the US, possessing the largest number of netizens in the world. Finally, people find it more convenient to shop online, and are more willing to purchase online than ever before.

    The speedy e-commerce, I think, is just inevitable. What we should do is find effective ways to regulate the e-shopping market, improve the quality of e-service and prevent cybercrime like phishing, fraud and cheating, so as to enjoy a healthier and more prosperous e-commerce market in China.