

  • Dear Sally.

    I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.I think

    you shoud study hard.You say you often have a lots of headache,you can have a rest .Try you usually in a relaxing environment.You say your putonghua is not improving,you can ask your teacher to improve it or ask classmates to help you .You also can say putonghua everyday,that can improve your putonghua.Try not to study late every night,because it is not help in your study .Your health also get bad.Try you get up early and go to bed early ,that can help your study ,too.You can study in the morning and your grades will improve fast.Try you also have a relaxing environment,I think you will get good grades.这位同学文章我已经写好了,但是你总不能每次都这样上网让别人来解决英语学习吧,学习重要的是靠自己,如果你经常这样,很遗憾,你的英语成绩不但不会提高,反而会下降!你自己可以尝试着写啊,错了又不要紧,别人又不会说你,错得越多,进步的就会越多,只要经常请教老师或者学习好的同学,你的成绩会有所提高的,重要的是相信自己能行啊,懂吗?相信自己!只要你想进步,就一定会有好的结果!给自己一点信心好吗,努力一点!这样你的家长会开心,你的老师和同学也会对你另眼相看的.相信自己行,你就一定能行的,加油!