

  • 1.A wise man does not lose his way,a brave man does not fear.------Japanese Proverb智者不会迷失方向,勇者无畏.

    2.The brave person regards dying as just going home.---------- Chinese Proverb勇敢的人视死如归.

    3.He who would gather honey must brave the sting of bees.---Dutch Proverb采蜜者必须无畏蜂蜇.

    4.To-day stately and brave,to-morrow in the grave.------ Dutch Proverb

    5.Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away.-----English Proverb某些人被认为很勇敢,其实只是他们不想做逃兵而已.

    6.Cowards die many times,but a brave man only dies once.----English Proverb懦夫可以死很多次,但勇者只可以死一次.

    7.Bravery without intelligence is not bravery.----Arab Proverb

    勇敢但如果没有睿智的话就不再是勇敢.8.The truest courage is always mixed with circumspection; this being the quality which distinguishes the courage of the wise from the hardiness of the rash and foolish.--Jones 真正的勇敢总是与慎重伴随在一起.也正是这一品格,将智者的勇敢与粗俗愚昧之辈的鲁莽区别开来了.——琼斯 9.A Brave retreat is a Brave exploit.勇敢的退却也是勇敢的行为.Every man has his faults.人无完人,金无足赤."The Brightest of all things,the sun,has its spots"金无赤足,人无完人 We all have our Blind spots金无赤足,人无完人