9我不懂英语 啊?请帮我翻译好吗?


  • 综观句子有太多问题,我稍微改动如下,其实还有很多不足,需要你慢慢学习.不知道这是你的文章,还是你同学的文章?

    Today is very cold.i dont like this kind of weather.The wind blows strong which makes me feel terrible.We had a PE class this afternoon.when our class begun ,domitory A 412 had a fire accident,it was so dangrous.After class i went to the computer room to do some practices.I want to have an office computer exam-(middle).after that,we have an interview in lifewood(lifewood这个单词什么意思?).and then it was seven thrity,we have to study by ouselves.we have no time to have dinner.What a busy day (we had)!


    今天很冷,我很讨厌这天气.风很大,让我感到很恐怖.我们下午上了一堂体育课,上课的时候,A412寝室着火了,这很危险.下课后我到电脑室去做了一些联系.[我想参加计算机的office中级考试?]然后我们去参观了 Lifewood.(你们自己清楚的东西,我就不明白了,希望你下次告诉我).就到下午7点半了 ,就到自习时间了.我们连吃饭的时间都没有,今天可真忙啊 !