

  • 看来事已成定局

    Guess now it's official

    -不能反悔 不能反悔 -对

    -Can't back out can't back out -No

    为重要的一夜,准备好 -没错

    Gettin' ready for the night of nights the night of nights all right

    -不要惊慌 -惊慌

    -Don't panic -Panic


    Now do we have to dress up for the prom?


    Dude I don't think we have the choice


    Yeah it's the night of all nights got to look just right


    Dressin' to impress the boys

    传统 复古 或是嬉皮风格

    Do I want classic or vintage or plaid

    -照照镜子 -礼服太大

    -Where's the mirror -I think this tux is too baggy

    太小 都有损形象

    too tight it makes me look weird

    模仿明星 魅力四射

    Should I go movie star glamorous

    迷人 泼辣还是可爱

    sassy or sweet

    不知道 但这是为我量身定做

    Don't know but no one better wear the same dress as me


    It's the night of our nightmares


    It's the night of our dreams

    太晚了 不能退缩

    It's too late to back out of it

    -化浓妆 做美容 -不知胸花是何物

    -Hey makeovers massages -Don't know what a corsage is


    Been waiting all our lives for this

    -这将是一个夜晚 -不能等待

    -It's gonna be a night -Can't wait

    -令人难忘的夜晚 -伙计

    -to remember -Oh man

    一起狂欢吧 好的

    Come on now big fun all right

    -这将是一个夜晚 -我猜是

    -It's gonna be the night -I guess

    -永不消逝的夜晚 -我们真幸运

    -to last forever -Lucky us


    We'll never ever ever forget

    -准备好了 -准备好了

    -Gettin' ready -Get ready

    -准备 准备好了 -准备好了

    -Get gettin' ready -Get ready


    Gettin' ready

    准备 准备好了 出发

    Get gettin' ready go

    伙计 你在那儿呆了一个小时了

    Hey you've been in there an hour. man.


    So what should I do with my hair?

    -我的剃须刀呢 -我喜欢它

    -Where's my shaver? -I love it

    -我看上去就像服务生 -该弄蓬松么

    -I look like a waiter -Should I fluff it?


    It's getting later already should be there

    她的母亲打开了门 我的内心难以平静

    Her mother opens the door I'm shakin' inside

    他来了 正点到达

    He's here it's time the hour's arrived

    不知为何 她的父亲让我沮丧

    Don't know why her father's starin' me down

    钱包在哪 唇膏在哪 我手足无措

    Where's my purse lip gloss? Now I'm really freakin' out

    从此以后 我的世界大不相同

    Then something changes my world


    The most beautiful girl right in front of my eyes


    It's gonna be a night

    -令人难忘的夜晚 -一定没错

    -to remember -That's for sure

    来吧 一起狂欢 好的

    Come on now big fun all right

    -这将是一个夜晚 -就是今晚

    -It's gonna be the night -Here tonight

    永不消逝的夜晚 -永远不会

    -to last forever -Forever more


    We'll never ever ever forget

    伙计们 在这儿 伙计们!

    Guys right here. Guys!

    那个女孩是谁 她真美丽

    Who's that girl? She's so fine

    那个男孩是谁 我认不出

    Who's that guy? I don't recognize

    那个女孩是谁 她很漂亮

    Who's that girl? She looks so good yeah

    曾经被你忽视 现在请注意

    Guess you never really noticed but you probably should


    big fun

    -就在这个夜晚 -没错

    -On the night of nights -All right

    就在今夜 今宵今夜

    The night of nights tonight


    Let's dance

    就在今夜 我们一定会成功

    On the night of nights you know we're gonna do it right

    这将是一个 令人难忘的夜晚

    It's gonna be a night to remember

    这将是一个 永不消逝的夜晚

    It's gonna be the night to last forever

    这将是一个 令人难忘的夜晚

    It's gonna be our night to remember

    这将是一个 永不消逝的夜晚

    It's gonna be the night to last forever

    -这将是我们的夜晚 -你一定知道

    -It's gonna be our night -You know it

    -铭记于心 -直到永远

    -to remember -for all time

    -来吧 -一起狂欢

    -Come on now -Big fun

    -这将是一个夜晚 -我们非常喜欢

    -It's gonna be the night -We love it

    -不会消逝 -永远不会消逝

    -to last forever -The rest of our lives


    We'll never ever ever forget


    It's gonna be our night oh yeah

    -一起来吧 -大声说

    -All together -Say it loud

    大家一起来 就是这样

    -Come on now everyone -That's right

    -这将是一个夜晚 -是个夜晚

    -It's gonna be a night yeah -It's the night

    -令人难忘的夜晚 -听听欢呼声

    -to remember -Hear the crowd


    and never ever ever


    never ever ever never ever


    never never forget
