

  • Dear XXX,

    Please accept our sincere apology for all the trouble caused to you in the last two orders.I am writing to tell you that:

    Your second order was put to post on Dec.08.2013.The tracking information shows that it was in ISC CHICAGO IL (USPS) on December 18,2013 ,3:56 pm.(See the attached screenshot).So we are not able to take it back.

    We can quite understand that you need it urgently.But we can still remeber asking you when you would like to received your order since we set many shipping options for our clients,some being fast and others taking relativley longer to arrive.Then you placed the order before sending us a reply.

    I feel terribly sorry for the missing of your first order.I believe you are reasonable enough to undestand that I can not be held responsible for the loss,since it was USPS that charged me and lost the parcel.However,I don't think it fair to transfer the loss to you,so I will refund you for the purchase price and the shipping cost.

    Many thanks for your trust and repeated purchase.If the second parcel is not delivered in 30 days of posting,I will certainly make you a full refund.

    Thank you very much for your custom!

    Sorry again for all the trouble we have caused!

    Best regards,


    在邮件中附上第一条里所说的USPS追踪截图( (See the attached screenshot.)

    你是卖家,我可算是个资深买家了,ebay好评已经几百了,因为物品遗失,空包跟卖家沟通的好多次 了,这样的邮件绝对没问题,放心用,采不采纳是次要的,做卖家不容易,大部分交易平台都是倾向于保护买家.