英语翻译4.Process designis the mechanism through which inputs ar


  • 4.Process design is the mechanism through which inputs are transformed to outputs; i.e.,it is the principles by which work is organized in order to produce a specific set of outputs.Conventional wisdom holds the view that as long as all of the inputs to a service process – human,material,machine,method,management,environment,and measurement system – remain unchanged,the service output will be consistent in their characteristics.In reality,consistency of service performance is a utopia,and Frei,Kalakota,and Marx (1997) provide large-scale evidence from several bank holding companies on the prevalence of process variation.Reduction of process variability becomes then another driver of performance.Large variation means that more service outputs are closer to the boundary of the range acceptable to the consumer,or even that some outputs are above or below customer specifications if the products are not carefully measured and monitored.In the former case –exceeding customer specifications – the result will be higher-than-expected costs,in the latter – falling short of the specifications – the result will be dissatisfied customers with the negative effects on performance prescribed by the service-profit chain.

    4.过程设计是通过它将输入变换成输出的机理;也就是说,为了产生一组特定的输出而将工作组织起来的原理.常规的智者坚持这样的观点,只要向服务过程的所有输入-人、材料、及其、方法、管理、环境和测量系统-保持不变,那么服务输出在它们的特性上就是始终如一的.在现实中,服务性能的一致性是一个乌托邦,而Frei,Kalakota,和Marx (1997)提供了来自银行控股公司的关于流行过程变化的大规模的证据.于是,降低过程可变性就变成了业绩的另一个推动力.大的变化意味着较多的服务输出靠近了客户可接受的范围的边界,或者甚至意味着某些输出高于或低于客户的规范要求,如果产品没有仔细衡量和监控的话.在前者的情况下,即超出客户的规范要求时,结果将是高于预期的成本,在后者的情况下,即未能达到客户规范的要求时,结果将是使客户对服务-利润链所规定的业绩的负面影响不满意.