when there was me and you的中文音译歌词


  • When there was me and you(那时的你和我)

    It's funny when you find yourself 这很有趣当你找到自己

    Looking from the outside 看看外面的世界

    I'm standing here but all I want 我站在这里并想要全部

    Is to be over there 会将是遥远的那边吗

    Why did I let myself believe 为什么我会相信

    Miracles could happen 奇迹会发生

    Cause now I have to pretend 因为现在的我会假装

    That I don't really care 那不是我真正当心的

    I thought you were my fairytale 我曾经以为你将成为我的神话

    A dream when I'm not sleeping 一个不只是在睡时的梦

    A wish upon a star 我向星星许愿

    Thats coming true 希望梦想成真

    But everybody else could tell 但没有人能回答

    That I confused my feelings with the truth 我迷惑了我的感觉是真的吗

    When there was me and you 那时的你和我

    I swore I knew the melody 我发誓我曾经知道这美妙的音乐

    That I heard you singing 我听着你的歌

    And when you smiled 在你微笑时

    You made me feel 你让我感觉到

    Like I could sing along 就像我一直能歌唱

    But then you went and changed the words 但当你的离开和改变的语气

    Now my heart is empty 使现在我心空空

    I'm only left with used-to-be's 我只能回想"过去的人"

    Once upon a song 从前的那个歌唱者

    Now I know your not a fairytale 现在我知道你不是我的传奇

    And dreams were meant for sleeping 梦想只在安睡时

    And wishes on a star 以及我许的愿

    Just don't come true 不要变成真的

    Cause now even I tell 因为即使我现在说

    That I confused my feelings with the truth 我的感觉将成为现实使我迷惑

    Cause I liked the view 因为我喜欢现在的感觉

    When there was me and you 那时的你和我

    I can't believe that 我难以相信

    I could be so blind 我就这样失明了

    It's like you were floating 这就像你的漂浮不定

    While I was falling 尽管我跌落下来了

    And I didn't mind 但我不介意

    Cause I liked the view 我喜欢这样的感觉

    Thought you felt it too 尽管你仍然离开了

    When there was me and you 那里曾经有你和我