Write about your life 20 years from now .作文.要8年级的水平,要用副词.


  • 我高一,自己写的,尽量简单点.

    Today is 2033.11.30 Now,I am 35 years old.I have a lovely child named Cindy.She is such a clever and kind girl who always helps me with hard homework.I have so many felicities in my daily life.

    I clearly remember that I found a good job after college,paid off my loan,and won another scholarship for a moster's degree.Since then,I had felt the sweet of my own best work.When I got my master' degree,a big company wanted to take me.But I refused,just because of my age.How young I was !I wanted to travel around the world,to found a band,to study more,and so on.There's no doubt that I have tried most of things I had ever hoped.I live a free and meaningful life everytime and everywhere.

    In the moment I am writing down what I've experienced.

    I just want to say,cheers for living.

    应该够字数了吧,写的一般,不是我的水平.求赞 .