a lack of和lack分别用定语从句造句


  • lack n.可数,缺乏

    lack of sth (物质上的,具体的) a lack of sth

    a lack of money 缺乏资金

    There was no lack of wolunteers. 志愿者不乏其人.

    There is a lack of O+ type blood in the blood pool.

    There is a lack of motivated teachers in our educational system.

    There is a lack of good jobs in the last few years.

    there is a lack of young talents in our company.

    lack vt. 缺乏,不足,短缺 lack sth

    He lacks confidence. 他缺乏信心.

    Most losers lack the strength and patience to start all over again.

    I like her but I lack the courage to ask her out.