

  • Hello Mary,

    I heard that you caught a serious cold with fever and headchae,while you suffer a lot coming to school everyday with them.As your friend i dont want to see you coughing in class so uncomfortably but still trying hard to study.i think you should really head to the hospital now because it has been a few days.This means that the cold will get serious and will harm your health and body.

    Take care of yourself and again,please go to the doctor,


    Hello Mary,

    I heard you got a bad cold,you can rest assured,the school homework I will bring it to you.But I still advise you to see a doctor,take medicine,and he would be better soon.

    Take exercise every moring helps you keep healthy.And you shouldn't eat too much cold food or go to bed too late.Because that will make you headache.Don't forget to were more.Oh!And you should have balanced diet.It's important to keep healthy.

    Get well soon.
