用英文写一封信给小学老师 要介绍新同学,新老师 快吖~


  • 希望可以帮到你

    Dear teacher, you are my best love in primary school teacher(亲爱的老师 你是我小学生涯中最喜欢的老师

    In my new school to learn a lot of new students also have a lot of new teachers such as one of my good friends XXX and xxx.(我在新的学校里认识了很多的新同学 也有很多新的老师 例如 我的一个好朋友xxx 和xxx.

    I am in the new school had a very happy because of my good friends and my classmates study with a new teacher my new knowledge

    (我在新的学校里过得很愉快 因为有我的好朋友和我一起同窗学习 有新的老师传授我新的知识

    Wish body good luck in everything in health(祝:身体健康,万事如意

    Your student(您的学生) xxx
