

  • 帮你排好了,如下:

    22.After our parents’ death,our comfortable life came to an end and we were kept well below the poverty line by our guardians.

    19.The house they put us in was ugly,with an ugly yard and a few ugly bushes.

    21.And the clothes we wore were continually pieced; the food we ate was terrible.

    20.Yet our guardians’ efforts to punish us were not always effective.

    24.They could keep books out of our hands,restrict our communication with the neighbors’ children by penning us within a wire-net fence.

    26.However,they could not stop us from using our eyes.

    25.The passionate pleasure we got from soap bubbles,rainbows,holy pictures and spider webs was beyond our guardians’ power of prevention.

    23.No more could they put a halt to it than they could keep us.