求英语高手帮我翻译这段中文 重酬


  • 是实习结束要用的吧,拿去用吧,不管是口述还是书面,都够用!也希望你能再接再厉,在单证处理这一领域有所作为.

    As the document operator,I’ve been working for a steel trading company since March.It’s proudly to say that I’ve not only improved myself with relative experience but also acquired certain useful knowledge which I couldn’t learn from textbooks.

    I’ve been handling L/C,B/L,Bill of exchange and related documents at the beginning,along with further working process,I am able to smoothly handle a series of document implementation,such as examination of L/C and B/L,B/L making,file categorizing and so on.

    By means of a number of practical activities,I’ve not only broaden my horizons but also be capable of working with my colleagues with team sprit,to be frankly,I am able to handle the interpersonal relationship with comates and superiors as good as I expected.

    By the aid of this training,I’ve already figured out what to do and how to do as a competent document operator,therefore,I will work harder and harder for my future,with the utmost enthusiasm.