

  • 要我写这么多...还只给五分...哎...只有亏最好吃啊!

    okay,lemme give you just a few points

    1.Medical science help us get rid of diseases,while humanities can't do that.We use scientific knowledge to make medicine.Science saves lives in this sense,and humanities does not.


    2.With the sciences we humans created great things like cars and computers which greatly facilitated our everyday lives.Humanities can't to that


    3.Science is used everywhere.there is science in the making of almost everything that you usually see:skyscrapers and other high buildings are built with scientific designs to remain stable.Paints are scientifically designed so that they shalln't be toxic.Hinges are scientifically made so that they can bear greater pressure and be more durable...But we don't see humanities everywhere,do you?
