英语翻译1.Bring smth out into the open2.cafe society3.catch file


  • 1.公开

    2 经常出现于咖啡馆的阶层/人士

    Café society was the collective description for the so-called "beautiful people" and "bright young things" who gathered in fashionable cafes and restaurants in Paris,London,Rome or New York,beginning in the late 1800s.Lucius Beebe,noted American author,journalist,gourmand,and railroad enthusiast is generally credited with creating the term "café society," which he chronicled in his weekly column,This New York,for the New York Herald Tribune during the 1920s and 1930s.

    Although members of café society were not necessarily members of The Establishment or other ruling class groups,they were people who attended each other's private dinners and balls,took holidays in exotic locations or at elegant resorts,and whose children tended to marry the children of other café society members.

    In the United States,café society came to the fore with the end of Prohibition in December 1933 and the rise of photo journalism,to describe the set of people who tended to do their entertaining semi-publicly,in restaurants and night clubs and who would include among them movie stars and sports celebrities.Some of the American night clubs and restaurants frequented by the denizens of café society included El Morocco,the Stork Club,the 21 Club,and the Pump Room.

    In the late 1950s the term "Jet Set" began to take the place of "café society",but "café society" may still be used informally in some countries to describe people who habitually visit coffeehouses and give their parties in restaurants rather than at home.

    3 好像是用来查找电脑中已安装程序的一种软件

    e.g.In addition,I have updated my Macintosh-based File Catcher.Interaction is no longer needed.Just run it and it will catch files and put them on your desktop.This is very handy when snapping screenshots.I hope to shortly put together another Erica Utility,snapngo,that snaps the screen and throws it to your Macintosh.Watch this space.

    4 东施效颦;拙劣地模仿并从中渔利

    to copy or emulate something in a way that suggests originality or in which the copier benefits from the creativity or work of another,especially when the copy is considered lame; further appropriate when the original is considered lame.

    e.g.Martha Stewart cheesed off of Donald Trump's "Apprentice" with her short-lived series of a similar name.("cheesed off" is the past tense of "cheese off")

    5 极度紧张、担心、烦恼

    to be extremely nervous,worried,bored,or annoyed.I was practically climbing the walls at her stupidity

    6 总是看表的人盼时间快点过的人(尤指在上班或上学时)

    A person who is eager for the time to pass,as at work or school.

    7 不友好、情感不外露的人

    a person who does not seem very friendly and does not show their emotions.He isn't very demonstrative,but his mother was a cold fish so he probably gets it from her.