

  • general meanings of sonnet106 as follow:

    In the history of past time,I see words with beautiful rhymes(annotation:means poetry) that used to describe and praise the most beautiful human beings who were dead ladies and lovely knights.

    Then,in these words(or poetry) I see those past writers'(or poets') descriptions of hand,foot,lip,eye are vividly shining on your body.They expressed the characteristics of you!

    So I think all the writers'(or poets') description about beauty are prophecies of our time.Because these words are the prophecies of your beauty.

    But they were only people of the past time,and described your beauty from another world and aspect so they could hardly skillful enough to expressed your beauty perfectly.

    For people of our time,though we are fortunate enough to have the chance to see your beauty,but we can't express it with that beautiful words like our forebare.