英语翻译dance your fingers up,dance your fingers down,dance your


  • 原文地址:幼儿英语朗诗 Dance your fingers作者:apple

    Dance your fingers up.手指头来跳舞跳到上面去

    Dance your fingers down.手指头来跳舞跳到下面去

    Dance your fingers to the side.手指头来跳舞跳到一边去

    Dance them all around.手指头来跳舞跳到全身上下转一圈

    Dance them on your shoulders.手指头来跳舞跳到肩膀上

    Dance them on your head.手指头来跳舞跳到头上

    Dance them on your tummy.手指头来跳舞跳到肚子上

    And put them on your face.手指头来跳舞跳到小脸上

    and put them all to bed 大家一起去觉觉