what does friendship mean to you?what kind of people do you


  • Friendship means a special emotion to me.It's a precious spirit that different from the love between families,lovers,but it's important ,even sometimes more important than those emotions.Friendship is the most clean and refined forever.

    I want to make friends with the people who really wants to make friends with me in his/her clean mind.(友谊对我来说是一种特殊的情感.它是一种不同于家庭,恋人之间的爱的珍贵的心理境界,但是它很重要,甚至有时侯比那些情感还要重要.友谊永远是最纯洁的,最高雅的.我想和在他纯洁的心灵中真正想和我交朋友的人交朋友)