

  • (Note : suggest to use past tense)

    Two pie charts illustrate five activities that European people liked to spend in their spare time in 1985 and in 1995. In general, watching TV was always most popular for European people in 1985 and in 1995 because it accounted for the largest proportion of the two pie charts(at 32 percent and 30 percent respectively).

    In 1985, the second most popular thing for European people was going to restaurant, and this made up 23 percent of the survey total. Talking with friends and family members maintained the middle position, only 21 and 18 percent people chose talking with friends and family members in their leisure time respectively. The less popular thing was other activities which had 6 percent in the pie chart.

    In 1995, European people liked playing computer games when they had leisure time because it was the second most popular thing (27 percent). This was followed by talking with friends which represented 26 percent in the pie chart. Only 8 and 7 percent people liked going to restaurant and talking with family members in their spare time respectively. The least popular thing was 'other thing' which had 2 percent only.