急求一篇英语作文people work better if they are paid more


  • Many employers concern most about what prompt their employees work better. There are may be a good deal of answers. But I intend to say people will perform better if they are well paid.

    As we all known, people work for various reasons, for instance, work can grant people friendship, trust, self-confidance, salary, and so on. Among all of these, I think it is salary that most people put the primary consideration. Especially in China, coupled with the rapid growth of economy, prices of almost all kinds of commercials have increased. Moreover, the welfare has not covered the all walks of life. Thus, many people have to struggle for a better living standards. House, car, or education have become most families burden. The only approach of reaching these goals is get higher pay in their jobs.

    Besides, it’s true that people can be motivated by other factors. The desire for personal fulfillment, the need for intellectual stimulation, love of the work itself and the desire to socialize with others are just a few of the driving forces for individuals in the working world. The rewards that human beings seek as a result of their work can be separated into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic rewards are factors like personal fulfillment, love of the work itself. However, money is the cornerstone for other purposes.

    There are so many examples. People always depart a low paid job to seek for a better one, even though he may have to give up the customed environment. In a higher paid job, people always fully aware of the competence existing, so they tend to work hard to maintain their position, which result in a higher- performance. In this terms, money is related with self- esteem as well as happiness.
