

  • The art of aesthetic value and evaluation, aesthetic evaluation of the utilitarian, aesthetic evaluation is the unity of objective and subjective, aesthetic experience has two distinctive characteristics of the human spirit is a kind of aesthetic activity to activity is a rich and complex subject to the psychological feelings of mental activities, and is also a main through these feelings and the psychological significance of their activities. Research on the aesthetic and therefore, should bear the brunt of the study is that the human spirit in such activities, special access to a wide range of psychological feelings, such feelings will be known as the "aesthetic." For thousands of years people are very seldom specific people from the real start to study the aesthetic experience, from a human perspective to study the aesthetics. The feelings of people left, leaving the human nature and human nature, the process of development and change, the United States will never be a mystery. Such a study, never saw that with the change of their own, with which human beings live in the context of the natural and social changes in people's spiritual needs along with the changes in the aesthetics of art and people feel themselves in the place in non-stop change.