紧急!英语辩论反方一辩陈词【It's not necessary to follow the old tradition


  • the old traditions for spring festival include:

    1) get together with family

    is the chinese railway traffic not heavy enough?each year,statistic shows people die on their way home.

    we want our family be healthy and happy instead of exhaustion and suffering

    if so,stop doing that.we want happy not tragedy

    2) buying gifts

    does our family really need all the gifts?

    people are now living a better life,the living stantard is improving,we can get any necissities on daily basis.

    buying gifts benifits the sellors most but the gift-receivor

    3) have celebrations

    people are now putting more efforts on how to stay healthy

    celebrations needs a lot of social resources,people are easily get excited and over-passionate and so,it is quite easy for them to think improperly.people get hit or a car collisions on the way back after celebration.