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    首页 相册 标签Grammar(28) Vocabulary(13) Pronunciation(0) 日积跬步,志在千里(1) NCE_Book2(22) Enjoy Life(2) Study Plan(2) 新概念英语第2册 第1课kathy - by - 2005-11-11 21:25:55Lesson 1

    A private conversation

    Last week I went to the theater.

    I had a very good seat.

    The play was very interesting.

    I did not enjoy it.

    A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.

    They were talking loudly.

    I got very angry.

    I could not hear the actors.

    I turned round.

    I looked at the man and the woman angrily.

    They did not pan any attention.

    In the end,I could not bear it.

    I turned round again.

    “I can’t hear a word!” I said angrily.

    “It’s none of your business,” The young man said rudely.“This is a private conversation!”

    New words and expressions.



    I got very angry.

    It’s none of your business.

    I turned round.→ 注意:不要写成around.

    A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.→ 注意:是用sitting,而不是sit.