

  • With the rapid development of world's economy, nowadays, more and more people all over the world already have or will have their personal cars. Therefore, some of these people would like to use their personal cars driving their children to school. To this social phenomenon, different people have different opinions. Generally, they come down 2 major ones.

    Some of them are believed that it is necessary to use personal cars to driving kids to school. the reason are 4 major ones, first of all, about half of them believed that this way can save a lot of time. Secondly, one thirds of them believed that this way is quite comfortable. Thirdly, more than 10 percent of them believed that it's much safer than any other deliver ways. Last but not the least, a few of them also believed that this way can improve communication between parents and kids.

    Others of them will not too concern about supporter’s point of views. In theirs opinion, deliver kids to school by personal car will cause many inconvience. The reason comes 3 major ones. First of all, more than half of them believed too many personal cars will cause traffic jams, secondly, 30 percent of them believe this kind behavior will make the parents suffer more pressure; thirdly, 15 percent of them believed that children will become lazy because of cars deliver.

    As far as I am conceded, to this social phenomenon, different people have different answers, whether or not deliver kids to school by personal cars should depend on what kind of situation we faced and the opinion of parents.