帮忙写一篇《why do so many people want to learn english》的作文


  • 问题应该是Why do you want to go to university?1. Because I have a lot of questions in my life and I hope to find out the answers in the university. There I will meet distinguished scholars and be able to explore the ocean of book in the library.2. And I believe the purpose of education is not only to provide answers, but also to provide opportunities. I am not sure what I am going to do in the future. I think in the university, with so many opportunities, I will find my real interest and my life-long career.3. University is a place of diverse cultures. There I will meet people from all over China. (If I study abroad, I will meet people from all over the world.) Therefore, my third reason is to make friends with different people and learn about the world through them.4. I know that college education is really a previlege for a lot more people in the world do not have access to higher education. So last I hope in the future, when I finish my college, I will have to opportunity to enhance education in the world.