my busy day 请以这个为题目,写一篇英语短文


  • My family and our friends drived cars to Dehua this Wednesday.Dehua is the north of Xiamen and about 180 kilometres far away from Xiamen.

    We rowed Zhupai in the Tiaoxian river the first day.There are lots of green bamboos and trees on the banks of the river.The water of the river is very clean.When we enjoyed the beautiful scences,a rower dropped into the water suddenly,we laughed a lot.After going ashore,we went to the next place,Daixian waterfall.The waterfall is very grand,it is the first waterfall of East-China,it has got a height of 184 meters.

    we climbed two mountains the next day.One was Shiniu Mountain,another one was Jiuxian Mountain.They are very high.Dehua porcelain is very famous in China.We bought lots of porcelain.

    Dehua is a very nice place.I enjoyed myself this holiday.