

  • 这两句话有多种公开出版的翻译版本,下面给你三种,译者大名无需我赘述,若感兴趣,Google一下即可.需要注意的是,这两句话年代久远而又微言大义,历来对其解读众说纷纭、莫衷一是,加之三位译者情趣、修养各个不同,因此英译难免相左之处.

    Is it not a pleasure,having learned something,to try it out at due intervals?Is it not a joy to have like-minded friends come from afar?


    To learn and at due times to repeat what one has learnt,is it not after all a pleasure?That friends should come to one from afar,is this not after all delightful?

    ——Arthur Waley韦利

    It is indeed a pleasure to acquire knowledge and,as you go on acquiring,to put into practise what you have acquired.A greater pleasure still it is when friends of congenial minds come from afar to seek you because of your attainments.

    ——Ku Hweng-Ming辜鸿铭
