

  • U1Reading Body language

    Read this story in a school newspaper.Debbie and Simon are college students.They have part-time jobs at a travel agency.They are sitting in the office.

    Debbie and Simon looked up as a well-dressed lady entered.The lady glanced at them both,then walked over to Debbie.Debbie greeted her cheerfully.The lady said,‘I want to go by train to…’

    Simon sighed and took some papers over to the fax machine.Mr.Young,a senior employee,was standing there.‘What’s up,Simon?You don’t look very happy.’

    ‘People always prefer Debbie to me.I can’t understand it.’

    ‘I can.It’s the way you communicate.’

    ‘How can that be?I don’t even get a chance to speak to them.’

    ‘Communicating is more than speaking and listening.Your body language is important,too.’

    ‘Body language?’

    ‘It’s the way you stand and sit.It’s your gestures and the expression on your face and in your eyes.Your whole appearance communicates things.The way you look at people doesn’t give them a good impression,Simon.You often rest your head on your hand.You look downwards.You never smile.You don’t turn your head or body towards people.Look at Debbie.She’s holding her head up.She looks at people’s eyes.She smiles.Your body language is telling people to go away.Debbie’s body language is making them feel welcome.That’s why they go to her for assistance,and not to you.’

    After that,Simon decided to improve his body language.He sat up and smiled at people.This seemed to work.Minutes later,a very beautiful girl entered.She looked at Debbie and then Simon.Without hesitation she went to Simon and gave him a big smile.A few moments later,she left,still smiling.

    Mr.Young came over at once and remarked,‘You made a good impression on her.’

    ‘That was my sister,’ said Simon.‘She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday.’