

  • Hello,my name's xxx.I'm thirteen years old.I live in xxx.I have long hair and two small ears.I have a piar of big eyes.And I have a small nose and a small mouth.I'm very tall and thin.I'm in Class One Grade Six.My birthday is on January the first.I like dogs.I have a dog,its name is Bobo.It is very lovely and it is white.I often play with it.I like sport.My favourite sport is play tennis.I can play tennis very well.My favourite subject is Chinese.I often help my classmates.I'm a sunny girl.

    My name is xxx.Don't you think the name is wonderful?When I was born on a Sunday twelve years ago,the sun was shining brightly.We all know that we don't often see such fine weather in February.So my mum said my coming to the world brought everyone happiness.

    I also have an English name,"Sunday".I gave it to myself alter I studied English for a year.

    My parents hope that my life will be full of sunshine.