

  • Grass-roots Communist Youth League branch in colleges and universities have the most directly connection with the members of youth and remain to be the most extensive contact base unit with them , directly affecting the development of our Youth League members and the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities. Objectively speaking, at present the construction of grass-roots Communist Youth League branch in colleges and universities have a lot of weak points, which is difficult to adapt to the needs of the new era.transfer the performance management concepts into classes performance management ,and apply it to the construction of the Communist Youth League branch's own performance management, strengthen the Communist Youth League branch's function, perfect Communist Youth League branch organizational life, increased members and cadres ' quality, enhance students ' sense of identity and a sense of belonging, strengthen the cohesion of the class. College total counterparts use performance management to improve working quality and efficiency, strengthen the scientific evaluation standard and targeted, evaluation judgement methods and enrich its forms, such as strengthening the application of evaluation findings. A two-pronged approach to promote good development of grass-roots Communist Youth League branch.
