

  • 好的,我是英语专业毕业的,让我来帮你吧

    译文如下 :

    Contextual effects in the formation of the association played an important role in achieving the best results is to determine the context of the necessary conditions for successful translation.This translator requires accurate knowledge,make assumptions and to clearly understand the implications of the advertiser or the extended meaning and so on.Make advertising translation concise,easy to understand.Translation is the essence of the source language and target language,relevance,relevance is the best complete translation of the best to achieve the best translation results.

    Now,how to explain the phenomenon of relevance theory's role in translation has been cause for discussion.Advertising translation work mainly involves three parties,ie advertisers,translator and the target audience.Each ad contains the advertisers have a clear purpose and target audience you want to convey to the idea,not the purpose of advertising trade associations do not advertise.Thus,each ad has the intention of the advertiser or spiritual sustenance.Therefore,the translator for an ad,the advertiser's purpose,intention or the advertisers would like to convey to the reader the main message is the need to be considered first.It can be said to achieve these goals,the translators must be proficient in both languages.