

  • pollution fighters

    Judy is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution

    She is interviewing Doctor Ray,a scientist ,about trees.

    JUDY:Why are you so interested in trees,Doctor Ray?

    DR RAY:They’re the biggest and oldest living things on earth ,Judy.

    JUDY:Yes ,but what good are trees They make streets more beautiful and less noisy ,

    but what else can they do

    DR RAY:Well ,there’s wood in your pencil and the bench ,rubber on the end of your

    pencil ,and paper in your notebook-all from trees .And

    while you're studying at home ,do you like to eat an orange ,or sip a Coke

    or a coffee

    JUDY:Sometines .

    DR RAY:Well ,the fruit ,the nuts for the Coke ,and the beans for the coffee all come

    from trees .And ,I suppose you also enjoy breathing pure ,cool air .

    JUDY:Of course .

    DR RAY:Then you must thank trees for that ,too .Trees are natural air ,and release

    oxygen into the air .How many people are there in your class ,Judy

    JUDY:Forty-six .

    DR RAY:Well ,one and a half hectares ofs trees could produce enough oxygen to

    keep your whole class alive and healthy for a year .

    JUDY:That's wonderful!

    DR RAY:Trees cool the air as well as clean it .Three trees can do the job of 15 air

    conditioners running almost all day .

    JUDY:You certainly know a lot about trees ,Doctor Ray .

    DR RAY:Thank you ,Judy ,but I don't ,really .Scientists are only now beginning

    to understand them .For example ,did you know that when insects attack

    a tree ,it can warn its neighbours The trees can then protect

    thenmselves by producing a chemical that makes their leaves taste

    nasty .And some trees can join their roots together underground ,and

    pass food and water around .Trees are communicating with one another ,

    but we don't know how .

    JUDY:Are trees in danger

    DR RAY:In great danger .We cut down and burn millions every year but we

    replace hardly any of them .We are destroying our best fighters

    against polluting.